Youth Ministry

The goal of the OPSM youth ministry is to encourage teens to grow stronger in their Christian faith, build a mature and lasting relationship with Christ and the church, and reach their friends with the Gospel. We encourage our students that they are not too young to make a difference in the world.

In our weekly youth group meetings, we prioritize Bible teaching as well as small-group discussions to encourage personal one-on-one relationships. We meet on Wednesday nights at 7pm in the Youth Room of the Davis Center.

We also have a Sunday School class with lessons geared toward speaking Biblical truths into current teen issues each Sunday morning at 10am. The 6th-12th grade class meets in the Youth Room of the Davis Center.

A number of annual trips and activities provide an environment where those that attend can have fun together while growing in their Christian faith. These activities include annual trips to the SOAR Conference in Dallas and to church camp, as well as monthly events to reach the community.